Published Works and Tales by Melissa Jensen

Posts tagged ‘scary’

Short Story: Fluff

No Way was I going to let this October pass without a creepy story.


Most of Fluff’s memories were of death.

There were good memories, like mama’s white fur and the salty taste of the meat the Caretakers called tuna. And the Caretakers, like Lieutenant Kell, who kept Mama and Fluff safe from from the Alpha that Lieutenant Kell called Chief. Lieutenant Kell always had to hide Mama and Fluff in a box whenever the Chief came by. They would hold perfectly still and try not to make the meowing sounds that were the only sounds the caretakers seemed to understand.

“Sometimes I swear you didn’t get rid of those cats, Lieutenant,” were the noises the Chief would make.

“They’ve been dealt with, sir, I promise,” were the noises Lieutenant Kell would make.

Then the chief would leave, and Mama and Fluff could come out.

There was also Lieutenant Frost, a female Caretaker, who gave Mama and Fluff the tuna and sometimes a meat they called ham. But it was Lieutenant Kell who had found Mama in the big metal cave full of metal boxes before Fluff was born, who gave Mama a place to have Fluff and gave them food and pettings. Lieutenant Kell was Fluff’s favorite.

Fluff also liked the clear box full of water and shiny swimming things, but he wasn’t sure about the strange walls that showed only blackness and tiny little lights that seemed so far away and cold. It scared Fluff, he didn’t know why.


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